Saturday, 18-May-2024

13. The Up and Downer Bet

With Correct Scores Betting, the reality is that you will be lucky to get 1 in 10 Home Win scores correct and 1 in 12 Away Win scores correct.

In an attempt to overcome this, having decided what you think will be the score for the match, you then take the goals up one and down one on each side (where possible). For example, suppose you fervently believe that match "A v B" will result in a 2:1 Home Win, then you also bet on the score being 3:1, 1:1, 2:2 and 2:0. You will have a total of 5 units riding but, of course, there are still many other possible score lines out there! However, if you are convinced that you are near enough correct in your assumptions about the relative team strengths, then you have a very good chance of picking up something if your 2:1 prediction only slightly lets you down (or, as one of our competitors so quaintly puts it, you had it "almostly" with your prime selection).

For regular wins, however, we have found that the answer with Correct Scores betting is to go for the 1:1 Draws. They don't pay out so much, that's true, but they are far easier to win on. And with a Pound or two now and then sitting on a treble and a few Pounds on its 3 inherent doubles, we tend to do far better in the long run than with Homes and Aways Correct Scores betting. Powered by Predict-A-Win (product of BetWare Ltd)
Last Updated: 16-May-2024 11:55 GMT
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